
Jan 23 Tonalist Minimalist Original Landscape Painting on Antique Ceiling Tin

SOLD! I am back to posting! Our luck ran out and our county was hit with an an ice storm and we lost power for 3 days. I apologize to those who have been trying to contact me and will respond to your emails soon.

Thank you to all the utility workers who coverged on Iowa to get our power back on!

We did pretty good, the kids actually liked it and will create a positive memory for them. We are very blessed to live in our small town was wonderful to see neighbors pulling together, our city of 500 really had it together and provided shelter and food for those who didn't and our AWESOME volunteer fire department, each and everyone of you are a hero. I can't say enough!

This painting is an original acrylic on a piece of my antique ceiling tin called "Moody Light". If you would like to see larger pics or read more about it then please click here.

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