
January 2010! Happy New Year!

Well, it was definitely a miracle we didn't lose power since we had a lot of ice, snow and wind the past week. I always look forward to the holidays and spending time with family I am VERY blessed!

It is now officially a new year and want to wish all of you a sincere Happy New Year. I want to thank you for all your support whether it be reading my blog, emailing me or purchasing my art. You enable me to create my art, stay home with the kids and do what I always dreamed of doing (even though I had no idea it would be with art).

In 2010 we are hoping to move to a house that fits our needs better which means a larger studio for me! I am assuming that will enable me to paint on a larger format, something I have wanted to do for a long time. But along with moving means lots of work and distractions from painting so we will see how I can get it all done and still try and post a painting a day. I am looking forward to the challenge.

So I am wishing for you, my friends, a year full of love, prosperity, and dreams coming true. Here's to the wonderful new year and all it's possibilities 2010!

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