I am thrilled to announce that my painting "Old Timers" was accepted into the AAEA's Fall Open Juried Exhibition and Sale!
According to AAEA Executive Director, Shelley Hunter, "We recieved over 500 entries from 43 states and four foreign countries, England, Canada, Ireland and Spain. We accepted 47 paintings and 16 sculptures".
Here is my painting. It is not for sale at this moment. I am waiting to see if there is interest in prints before selling it. 16x20 Acrylic on canvas.
I live in Iowa and am sentimental about the old ways of farming going by the wayside. Even though I was born in the era of tractors and combines I still love the draft horses and can't imagine farming with real horsepower!
Here is the link to more awesome equine art and info about the Juried Exhibition: www.aaea.net
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